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Warning: ADDICTIVE! ❤️🎁💎 new ISHI jewellery from Mexico 🛬

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Warning: ADDICTIVE! ❤️🎁💎 new ISHI jewellery from Mexico 🛬

Team them with our Gypsy & Lattice Shirts or Lattice Dresses for all year round! Pieces to treasure and love.

Limited edition

Handmade in Mexico by skilled artisans.


ISHI brings ancestral craftsmanship into our contemporary culture. We express the cultural and spiritual richness of Mexico through our jewellery. We are based in Mexico City and collaborate with various artisans including indigenous communities nationwide, such as the Zapotec from Oaxaca and the Huichol in the northwest. 

We love the Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi, which honours the beauty of things imperfect.  Our pieces are hand made with natural materials, the result is an array of unique pieces that carry the good vibes of the people that make them and the energy of the materials we use. Our goal is to create beautiful accessories that enrich our customers’ lives as well as to promote the professional and creative development of our artisans.